50th Anniversary adidas Golden West Invitational brings together top high school athletes from throughout the country and provides them with the very highest levels of competition. We invite all athletes who achieve the Golden West Invitational event standards to enter!
Meet schedule will include Freshman Mile, Freshman 100 Meter and Freshman 400 Meter events for both boys and girls!
Past participants have represented the United States in every Olympic Games since 1964 and have filled more than 150 positions on the American Olympic Track & Field teams. They have won more than 75 medals, 40 of them gold. An additional nine GWI athletes represented their native countries of France, Ireland, Japan, Trinidad/Tobago, Fiji, Jamaica and Cape Verde Islands.
GWI alums include track legends Evelyn Ashford, Bob Beamon, Marion Jones, Marty Liquori, Nick Hysong, Steve Prefontaine, Jim Ryun, Tommy Smith, and Dwight Stones.
Recent Olympic medalists include Stacey Dragila, Allyson Felix, Joanna Hayes, Monique Henderson, and Meb Keflezighi and Jeremy Wariner. NFL football stars Terry Bradshaw, Michael Carter, Russ Francis, Bob Hayes, James Lofton, Art Monk, and Mel Renfro also competed at the Golden West.
Boys 1 Mile Run Freshman
Name Year School Finals
1 Parker Deuel 9 Sn Ramon Vly 4:30.85
2 Sergio Gonzalez 9 Arcadia 4:32.57
3 Tom Sullivan 9 Galena 4:37.26
4 Darren Fahy 9 La Costa Cyn 4:42.23
5 Curtis Kelly 9 Stockdale 4:42.73
6 Edixon Puglisi 9 Oakmont HS 4:43.58
7 Michael McCabe 9 Willow Glen 4:43.85
8 Grant Foster 9 Prospect HS 4:45.54
9 Robert Fain 9 Acalanes 4:46.03
10 Francis Lee 9 Arcadia 4:46.72
11 Mike McGeough 9 Holy Cross 4:49.81
12 Charlie Shen 9 Arcadia 4:54.19
13 Ryan Jones 9 Rocklin HS 4:54.64
14 Abraham Espinoza 9 James Logan 4:55.12
15 Nathanael Williams 9 Sierra Luth 4:56.17
16 Giorgio Liantono 7 Cuprtino Middle 4:57.51
17 Byron Kilian 9 Monte Vista 4:59.10
18 Alfredo Montes de Oca 9 Willow Glen 5:09.57
19 Dillon Tennison 9 Pitman 5:19.90
Nice post - Nick Hysong ..Keep Posting
Nick Hysong